Delta Upsilon Chapter (Georgia)

Delta Upsilon chapter was installed at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, on February 5, 1983.

At the University of Georgia, founded in 1785, new Gamma Phi Beta members joined 16 sororities and 25 fraternities in October, 1982. The colonization team was headed by Director of Expansion Karen Wander Kline (University of Washington) and Expansion Supervisor Barbara Hurt-Simmons (Nebraska-Kearney). Alumnae support of the Athens Crescent Circle was coordinated by the Alumnae Field Representative Theresa “Terri” Donahue Wolter (Iowa State).

Delta Upsilon Chapter members in the 1980s.

Installation took place on February 5, 1983, when 69 charter members and four alumnae were initiated by members of Gamma Phi Chapter (Auburn), under the direction of International Ritual Chairman* Cynthia Partain Farrell (Bowling Green) and Graduated Counselor Brandy Hibbard at the Presbyterian Center. The Holiday Inn was the site of the installation banquet, where a historic badge that belonged to Edith Everette Hewins (Boston, 1897), was presented to the Chapter President Lauren Spooner King (Georgia). She also accepted the charter from Grand President** Ann Mullen Bronsing (Indiana State).

*International ritual chairman is now known as director of ritual.

**Grand President is now known as International President.