Gamma Pi Chapter (Minnesota State-Mankato)
Gamma Pi Chapter was installed at Minnesota State University-Mankato in Mankato, Minnesota, on February 5, 1966.
A campus group, Kappa Theta, changed its name to the colony for Gamma Pi Chapter (Minnesota State-Mankato) on October 2, 1965, at a formal service conducted by members of Kappa Chapter (Minnesota-Twin Cities). Among those assisting were Director of Expansion Mary Glendon Trussell (Northwestern, 1929) and Colonizer Celia Hagen Lamanna (Minnesota-Twin Cities). On February 5, 1966, 25 women were initiated as charter members by members of Kappa Chapter, at the Centenary Methodist Church. Installation was under the direction of International Ritual Chairman* Marcella “Sally” Gray Cass (Iowa, 1934). At the banquet that evening, teh charter was presented to Chapter President Barbara Temme Lundervold (Minnesota State-Mankato) by Grand President** Orra Spencer Reid (Michigan, 1926).
*International ritual chairman is now known as director of ritual.
**Grand President is now known as International President.
Some of Gamma Pi Chapter’s new members in 1966.