Gamma Mu Chapter (Minnesota State-Moorhead)

Gamma Mu Chapter was installed at Minnesota State University-Moorhead in Moorhead, Minnesota, on April 26, 1964. Gamma Mu Chapter closed on May 14, 2022.

Colonized under the direction of Mary Glendon Trussell (Northwestern, 1929), installation of Gamma Mu Chapter (Minnesota State-Moorhead) was conducted at FAith Methodist Church with the members of Alpha Omicron Chapter (North Dakota State) in charge. There were 27 women who became charter members, and Grand President* Beatrice Hill Wittenberg (Stanford, 1923) presented the charter to the chapter president.

*Grand President is now known as International President.

The Gamma Mu president receiving their charter from Grand President Beatrice Hill Wittenberg (Stanford, 1923) in 1964.