Some of the Gamma Iota Chapter charter members in 1963.
Gamma Iota Chapter (Midwestern State)
Gamma Iota Chapter was installed at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas, on March 16, 1963.
Beta Tau Chapter (Texas Tech) came from Lubbock, Texas, to welcome 33 women and thereby establish a colony at Midwestern in October, 1962. The following spring, Beta Tau returned to conduct the Initiation of the group under the supervision of International Ritual Chairman* Edith Herrin Watt (Oregon, 1920). There were 21 collegians and two alumnae who were initiated and presented with the Gamma Iota Charter (Midwestern State) by Grand President** Beatrice Hill Wittenberg (Stanford, 1923).
*International ritual chairman is now known as director of ritual.
**Grand President is now known as International President.