Epsilon Epsilon Chapter (Union)
A new link was added to Gamma Phi Beta on May 3, 1986, with the Initiation of 48 women at Union College in Schenectady, New York. Two years prior, Union began investigating the chartering of another sorority chapter on campus and after much research, college officials decided Gamma Phi Beta was the ideal choice to join Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma and Sigma Delta Tau.
One hundred and forty-five guests attended Epsilon Epsilon’s Installation banquet, which was held at the Holiday Inn in a room decorated with pink and white balloons and pink carnations. Province 1 Alumnae Director Anne Layton (McGill) served as mistress of ceremonies. Other international officers in attendance were Grand President Ann Mullen Bronsing (Indiana State), Director of Extension Karen Wander Kline (Iowa State), Province 1 Collegiate Director Becky Taube (Texas Tech) and Collegiate Consultant Sheila Newell (California-Santa Barbara). Representatives of Union College were Dean of Students Joseph Mammola, who welcomed Gamma Phi Beta to campus, Panhellenic Advisor Joanne Tobeissen, outgoing Panhellenic President Robin Gross and incoming Panhellenic President Lori Silberg.
Gifts presented to the chapter were a silver punch bowl from the Sorority and the president's badge, which had belonged to a local alumna's mother. Ann Bronsing recognized the excellence of the charter members and presented the Epsilon Epsilon charter to the chapter. The evening concluded with singing, dancing, laughter and congratulatory hugs.
*Excerpt from the fall 1986 issue of The Crescent, pages 24-25.
Some of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter’s charter members in 1986.