Some of Epsilon Delta Chapter’s charter members in 1986.

Epsilon Delta Chapter (Creighton)

Epsilon Delta Chapter was installed at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, on February 22, 1986. Initiation was held on the same day at St. Johns Church on campus. Pi Chapter (Nebraska-Lincoln) conducted the ceremonies under the direction of International Ritual Chairman Audrey Weldon Shafer. At that evening's banquet, Dr. John Cerneck, vice president of student services, welcomed the new chapter to Creighton. Extension supervisors Kelly Price and Cindy Hansen presented gifts, which included a silver ladle, candlesticks, a pink carnation dried flower arrangement and silver punch bowl, to the new initiates. Chapter President Jillyn Gokie was named the outstanding pledge. The president's badge given to the chapter had belonged to Irene Pigaga (Nebraska-Lincoln). Grand President Ann Mullen Bronsing (Indiana State) presented the Epsilon Delta charter to Jillyn Gokie and colony president Mary Horas. The charter initiates then concluded the evening by singing “Sisters.”

*Excerpt from the fall 1986 issue of The Crescent, pages 23-22.