Epsilon Alpha Chapter (La Salle)
Epsilon Alpha Chapter was installed at La Salle University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on December 10, 1983.
On May 1, 1983 Epsilon Alpha Chapter (La Salle) was colonized with the merging of a local sorority at La Salle College, the first National Panhellenic Conference chapter on campus. The extension process was conducted by Delta Kappa Chapter (Lehigh) in the College Union. During the new member period, Expansion Supervisor Julie Lancaster Goodman (Nebraska-Lincoln) assisted the colony in their training, while Alumnae Field Representative Marcia Young Meisinger (Ohio State) coordinated the support given by the Philadelphia North Alumnae Chapter.
The Initiation of 44 collegians by members of Delta Kappa Chapter (Lehigh) was directed by International Ritual Chairman* Karen L. Hedine (University of Washington). At the installation banquet, Epsilon Alpha Chapter President Renee Rapa Faller (La Salle) received the charter from Grand President** Ann Mullen Bronsing (Indiana State).
*International ritual chairman is now known as director of ritual.
**Grand President is now known as International President.
Members of Epsilon Alpha Chapter in 1989.