Delta Iota Chapter (Purdue)

Delta Iota Chapter was installed at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, on April 19, 1975.

The colony for Delta Iota Chapter (Purdue) was formed in January 1975, under the direction of Elna Magnusson Scheinfeld (Idaho), director of expansion. Beta Phi Chapter (Indiana) members came to conduct the pledge ceremony. Collegiate Consultant* Linda Pearson (Indiana State) remained with the colony during the training period. On Paril 19, 1975, at the University Church, members of Beta Pi Chapter (Indiana State) initiated 86 collegians and 21 alumnae initiates as charter members of Delta Iota Chapter. International Ritual Chairman** Marian Corley Hulsey (Oklahoma City) directed the installation of, at the time, the larger newly chartered chapter.

The Delta Iota Chapter facility in fall 1979.

Following Initiation, members of Beta Phi Chapter conducted a model chapter meeting. In the evening, Grand President*** Betty Luker Haverffield (Missouri-Columbia, 1940) presented Joanne Volakakis (Purdue), chapter president, the charter of Delta Iota at the installation banquet, held at Holiday Inn. A historic badge to be worn by the Delta Iota chapter president was presented by Province IV**** Alumnae Direcotr Charlotte Hamilton Mason (Michigan, 1934) to Joan Volakakis. The badge belonged to Mrs. Mason’s aunt, Frances Petit MacAughtry (Michigan, 1896).

*Collegiate consultants are now known as collegiate leadership consultants.

**International ritual chairman is now known as director of ritual.

***Grand President is now known as International President.

****Gamma Phi Beta reorganized its structure from Provinces to Regions in 2006. Province IV is now Region 4.