Delta Chi Chapter (California State-Sacramento)

Delta Chi Chapter was installed at California State University-Sacramento in Sacramento, California, on May 14, 1983.

Grand President Ann Mullen Bronsing (Indiana State) presenting the Delta Chi Chapter charter to the chapter president in 1983.

On February 12, 1983, Delta Chi Chapter (California State-Sacramento) was colonized under the supervision of Director of Expansion Karen Wander Kline (Iowa State). Expansion Supervisor Sandra Pursley (Minnesota State-Moorhead) directed the extension process with support from members of Delta Theta Chapter (California Polytechnic State). Alumnae Field Representative Gail Haren McMichael (Arizona) coordinated the support of the Sacramento Valley Alumnae Chapter. Carmichael Presbyterian Church was the setting for the installation of Delta Chi Chapter on May 14, 1983, conducted by Eta Chapter (California-Berkeley) under the direction of International Ritual Chairman* Cynthia Partain Farrell (Bowling Green).

There were 52 collegians and an alumnae initiate welcomed at the installation banquet at the Capitol Plaza Holiday Inn. Mrs. Kline presented the Sorority gift, a turquoise jeweled badge to be worn by each succeeding president. Grand President** Ann Mullen Bronsing (Indiana State) presented the charter to Delta Chi’s first President Cathy Jantzen Rivense (California State-Sacramento).

*International ritual chairman is now known as director of ritual.

**Grand President is now known as International President.