Beta Delta Chapter was installed at Michigan State University in Lansing, Michigan, on June 3, 1944.

Beta Delta Chapter (Michigan State) was colonized by the Lansing area alumnae, headed by Mary Potter Sharp (Michigan, 1934) and Eleanor Faris Pinckney (Idaho, 1919). The group was inspected by Helen S. Sand (Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1928), a member of Grand Council*, who recommended acceptance of the colony. Seventeen charter members were initiated into Beta Delta Chapter by members of Beta Chapter (Michigan). Grand President** Alice Wieber Fitzgerald (Michigan, 1913) formally installed the chapter and was aided by Charlotte Robertson White (Washington University, 1917) and Evelyn Gooding Dippell (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1933).

*Grand Council is now known as International Council.

**Grand President is now known as International President.

The Beta Delta Chapter facility in 1953.