Delta Zeta Chapter charter members in 1973.

Delta Zeta Chapter (Southwestern Oklahoma State)

Delta Zeta Chapter was installed at Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, Oklahoma, on May 5, 1973. Delta Zeta Chapter was closed on October 1, 1989.

The 40 members of Tri C local sorority became members of the Delta Zeta Chapter (Southwestern Oklahoma State) colony of Gamma Phi Beta on March 3, 1973, under the supervision of Director of Expansion Elna Magnusson Scheinfeld (Idaho). Field Secretary* Cindy Burkett (Midwestern State)remained with the new colony until the time of installation arrived. Members of the Beta Omicron Chapter (Oklahoma City) came on May 5, 1873, to initiate 40 collegians and 31 alumnae, including members of Tri C, mothers and friends. Initiation was under the direction of Marian Corley Hulsey (Oklahoma City), international ritual chairman**. That evening, Grand president*** Audrey Weldon Shafer (Missouri-Columbia, 1938) presented the charter to Delta Zeta Chapter President Brenda Smith Lumpkin (Southwestern Oklahoma State) at the banquet held at the United Methodist Church.

*Field secretaries are now known as collegiate leadership consultants.

**International ritual chairman is now known as director of ritual.

***Grand President is now known as International President.