Florence Clifford Savage
(Boston, 1891)
Recollections from The Crescent, 1933:
I do not recall any outstanding events during my terms of office. At that time, Panhellenic affairs were assuming greater importance and were bringing about an increasing understanding for the necessity for cooperation and mutual helpfulness in the sorority world at large. I have always esteemed it a rare privilege to claim membership in a Sorority whose members have taken such pride in cherishing only the purest motives and ideals. One experience which occurred while I was President brought out the sense of honor which always prevails in Gamma Phi affairs. A charming girl called upon me one day and asked if our Sorority had any ‘sub rosa’ chapters. I had never even heard that such things were fostered by any sorority and it was with a justifiable sense of pride that I told her we had no chapters except those which were nationally known and recognized. She was one of a group at a university were no sororities were allowed, but they were hoping to circumvent this restriction by organizing a sub rosa chapter. Whether they succeeded in any other direction I never learned.
Wherever I found Gamma Phis, I found hospitality and a warm welcome to chapter affairs. Many times I was the recipient of thoughtful attention.
Florence Clifford Savage served as Grand President from 1905-06.