Convention in the 1800s
Learn about our first-ever conventions from 1883-99.
Fast Facts
- 17 Conventions, six different locations
- Hosted annually
- Conventions were created to conduct Sorority business
Conventions from 1900-25
Conventions through the turn of a century and our 50-year anniversary.
Fast Facts
- 17 Conventions, 14 different locations
- Switched to biennial in 1909
- The Founders were last together at the 25th Convention
Conventions from 1926-50
Explore through 1950 and learn how Conventions moved our Sorority forward.
Fast Facts
- 10 Conventions, 10 different locations
- Camping became our philanthropy in 1929
- In 1940, the Honor Roll Award was established
Conventions from 1951-75
Conventions from 1501 to 1975, our Sorority's 100th year.
Fast Facts
- 12 Conventions, 12 different locations
- The Foundation was founded at the 48th Convention
- Carnation Award was introduced in 1974
Conventions from 1976-2000
Discover more about Conventions from 1976 to 2000.
Fast Facts
- 13 Conventions, 12 different locations
- Delegates approved the Capital Endowment Campaign Plan in Dallas
- Personal and Chapter Enrichment (PACE) was born in the '80s
Conventions from 2001-Present
Conventions through the 21st century.
Fast Facts
- 11 Conventions, 10 different locations
- Our philanthropic focus, Building Strong Girls, and partnership with Girls on the Run was announced in 2012