Epsilon Upsilon Chapter (South Dakota)

Epsilon Upsilon Chapter was installed at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, South Dakota, on April 27, 1991.

Epsilon Upsilon’s Initiation ceremony was conducted by Epsilon Delta Chapter (Creighton) under the direction of International Ritual Chairman Audrey Weldon Shafer (Missouri). One hundred and sixty Gamma Phi Betas, parents and friends gathered at The Prairie for the Installation banquet. Assistant Director of Extension Linda Lyons Malony (Southern California) served as mistress of ceremonies.

After dinner, the new chapter was welcomed to campus by Dr. Janet Lewis, special assistant to the university president. Dean of Students Jim Rund, Students Activities Director Rick Davis, Panhellenic Rush Chairman Jodi Stover and former Greek Advisor Jennifer Kuzeppaalso attended the celebration.

Epsilon Upsilon Chapter charter members, 1991.

International President Jolene Lessard Stiver (North Dakota State) presented a $1,000 Gamma Phi Beta Foundation donation to the Joy Hollow Camp in honor of the new chapter. Sioux Trails Girl Scout Council President Ariene Kjeldseth accepted the donation on behalf of the camping program.

Gifts were received from Province VI and the Sorority. The Outstanding Pledge Award was presented to President Becky Pattison; Amanda Haley received the Most Spirited Pledge Award; Shawna Ickes was recognized as the Most Inspirational Pledge; the Academic Excellence Award and Campus Involvement Award were presented to Holly Hett.

After months of anticipation, it was an exciting moment when Becky Pattison accepted the Epsilon Upsilon Chapter charter from International President Jolene Stiver, who welcomed the new initiates to Gamma Phi Beta.

Epsilon Upsilon Chapter was closed on May 31, 1996.

Excerpt from the fall 1991 issue of The Crescent, page 7.