Alpha Psi Chapter (Lake Forest)

Alpha Psi Chapter was installed at Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, Illinois, on May 19, 1934. Alpha Psi Chapter closed on June 1, 1961.

Alpha Psi Chapter (Lake Forest) was formerly a local society, Theta Psi, founded in 1905. It was installed by Epsilon Chapter (Northwestern) and a group of International officers headed by Grand President* Millicent Lees Hoffman (Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1906), Louise Durst Smith (Wisconsin-Madison, 1901), Charlotte Robertson White (Washington University, 1917) and Lillian Thompson (Michigan, 1892). 

Members from Alpha Psi Chapter in a baggage car on a college student trip, as show in The Crescent, December 1935.

The chapter was successful from the beginning, but late in the 1950s, all national sororities were deemed unacceptable to the administration unless it was granted complete local autonomy. Therefore, the Grand Council* accepted the chapter’s charter to be held until such time as administration policies changed. All other national organizations retired from Lake Forest at the same time and include: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta and Chi Omega. This action was taken in 1961.

*Grand President is now known as International President.

**Grand Council is now known as International Council.