Lillian Thompson
(Michigan, 1892)
Recollections from The Crescent, 1933:
There were no Council meetings in those days, so all our business was done by correspondence; and while there was not an overwhelming amount, it kept us busy. The first official mail that came to me after I became treasurer consisted of a little blank book and a check for $37.50 – our entire national wealth. I eagerly turned the pages to see what records there were. Outside of a few pages of expenses for stamps and incidentals, there was nothing. I thought surely there must be a list of chapters, but there was none. So I devoted a good deal of my time on the executive committee to collecting and arranging data and to keeping clear records of the business transacted. When I turned over my material to the new President, it contained all the data neatly arranged for her use and guidance. A few months later, some questions came up and I said to the then President, ‘Look in the President’s Book. I know it is there, for I put it there.’ ‘President’s Book!’ she exclaimed, ‘I’ve never seen a President’s Book. When I took office, no records were turned over to me, I had to gather them all myself.’ Alas, for our proudest accomplishments! But the event I remember with most pride is the installation of Lambda Chapter (University of Washington).
Lillian Thompson served as Grand President from 1902-03.