Una Winterburn Harsen

(Barnard, 1902)

Recollections from The Crescent, 1933:

The years of 1914 and 1915 marked the passing of an old era; and nothing that occurred before that deadline seems very real. I have been rummaging among the debris of years that clutters up my mind and have been trying to remember some of the things which seemed of much importance during the period when I helped guide the destinies of Gamma Phi Beta. The bugbear of anti-fraternity legislation was with us then and we almost lost my own chapter, Iota (C). I remember that we modified our own Constitution in regard to secrecy and order to combat hostility as well as to give our girls the highest possible ideals. Our first visiting delegate, Katherine Silverson, went up and down the land organizing, advising, criticizing in a constructive fashion and welding our scattered chapters into a truly national organization. We definitely committed ourselves to a policy of expansion. This was probably the most important thing that we accomplished for the future of our Sorority. The associations and friendships of these days are still reassured by me and I look forward to a time when greater leisure will enable me to resume a measure of activity for Gamma Phi Beta.

Una Winterburn Harsen served as Grand President from 1914-15.