Mabel E. Stone
(Syracuse, 1893)
Wisdom from her article in The Crescent, 1911:
With the service on the executive council has come the opportunity to know and appreciate Gamma Phi Beta nationally. Since we have come to know and view the Sorority at a wide range rather than in the limited circle of our individual collegiate and alumnae chapters and have come to feel the importance of every act of a single chapter to our Sorority nationally, we must now profess a different and deeper interest in the importance and welfare of oru national organization. During these years we have been brought into close contact with each collegiate and alumnae chapter on our roll and have come to understand something of the inner life of the individual chapters. One thing that has made the greatest impression is the deep and unwavering loyalty of the members of our sisterhood. We had no conception of this decision previous to the time of our appointment on the board. Our written motto seems to be ‘always ready for service.’ During the past two years, we have failed to make an appeal for assistance in ay department that has not met with a hearty response and a willingness to undertake the work suggested or to attempt, at least, to solve the problems as they were presented…
Mabel Stone served as Grand President from 1909-12.