Barbara Burns Hiscock

(University of Washington, 1939)

Wisdom from her article in The Crescent, 1969:

Relevancy to the university or college is being encouraged through discarding outmoded and childish programs that have no meaning in today’s world. We must show our worth to the academic community by maintaining high scholarship and encouraging an intellectual climate within our chapters. We must maintain high standards of conduct in our daily lives. We cannot avoid the social issues of the day, but order, reason and responsibility must be shown in speaking on these issues. Personal conduct for our members must be exemplary. Falsification of ID cards, excessive drinking and drug abuse – the hedonistic philosophy of life – these are examples of what we cannot accept and still remain loyal to our purposes or to ourselves as individuals. Campus disruptions, physical violence, disregard for civil law – so much in evidence through the news media – are shocking displays of selfishness and irresponsibility. Good judgment and responsible actions are mandatory in an ordered and civilized society…friendship, loyalty, integrity, self-discipline, order and reason are basic qualities of the mature person. Gamma Phi Beta stands for these ideals.

Barbara Burns Hiscock served as Grand President from 1968-70.