Gertrude Ross
(Wisconsin-Madison, 1892)
Wisdom from her toast to Gamma Chapter’s (Wisconsin-Madison) 50th Anniversary, 1935:
…It is quite trite to say that any organization is but the reflection of the personalities that form it, a government or a family group is good only as its individuals are good. I mean good for something, good as constructive forces which send out influences and create environments that invigorate and inspire a desire to promote the well-being of society. Such personalities we call leaders. A recent writer puts it this way: ‘Enduring improvement in our government and significant advances in our social and industrial life will come gradually as men and women of character develop homes and communities where fine patterns of life may emerge and serve as backgrounds for social pioneers.’ ‘Patterns of life’ are the Founders and leaders of our sisterhood, each one a personality which has counted; all of them forming a dependable background of our existence: makers of homes, teachers of children, leaders in civic enterprises, workers in literary and political organizations, lovers of music, of nature and of their fellow beings. A list of only a few of their characteristics becomes a catalog of the highest virtues…such are our leaders. With this inheritance, dare we fall short in our accomplishments?
Gertrude Ross served as Grand President form 1906-07.