Cora Willard Coddington

(Syracuse, 1881)

Recollections in The Crescent, 1933:

Comparatively little general business was transacted in the year in which I had the honor to act as Chairman. The most important event of the year was the installation of our Theta Chapter (Denver), which from the first has been a source of pride and honor and which gave us Lindsey Barbee (Denver), who as able editor of The Crescent and by her charm and devotion has greatly endeared herself to all the members of Gamma Phi Beta. The year of my office was marked also by three other important events – the revision of the Sorority directory, the appointment of a committee to gather material for our new song book and the petition from a group of Barnard College women for a charter of Gamma Phi Beta, which was granted a little later. In that year four other petitions for charters were rejected. I have before me a copy of a Denver, Colorado, newspaper of December 29, 1897, in which there is a glowing account of the installation of Theta Chapter (Denver). I quote the heading, ‘Gamma Phi Beta gets a charter. Chapter eight of the most exclusive of college sororities founded. Distinguished characteristic of the Sorority is extreme conservatism’…

Cora Willard Coddington served as Chairman from 1897-98.