Zeta Eta Chapter charter members, 1996.

Zeta Eta Chapter (Lander)

Zeta Eta Chapter was installed at Lander University in Greenwood, South Carolina, on April 13, 1996. Forty-one collegians and four alumnae comprised Zeta Eta’s charter class.

The Initiation ceremony was performed by the International Ritual Chairwoman Audrey Weldon Shafer with the assistance of Epsilon Theta Chapter at Clemson University. Following the ceremony was the Installation banquet honoring the newest chapter of Gamma Phi Beta. In attendance were family members, friends, Greek presidents and International Gamma Phi Beta representatives, including Financial Vice President Sandra Rettke Nauman, Director of Collegiate Extension J.J. Stoll Kaelin, Director of Alumnae Extension Brandy Hibbard, New Chapter Director Chris Amos Rinehart, Advisor Training and Development Coordinator Mary Beth Holzbach and Collegiate Leadership Consultants Edie Denten and Stephanie Snethen.

Excerpt from the summer 1996 issue of The Crescent, page 20.