The Pi Chapter facility as shown in The Crescent, May 1933.

Pi Chapter (Nebraska-Lincoln) 

Pi Chapter was installed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Lincoln, Nebraska, on June 22, 1914.

A local group called Phi Beta was organized to petition Gamma Phi Beta. After inspection by Bertha White (Northwestern, 1899), Ellen Pollock Minor (Northwestern, 1910), Jessie Ryons (Northwestern), Gertrude Arnold (Michigan), Jessie Austin Weiner (Denver, 1912) and Ella S. Brown Simpkins-Trenance (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1913), the charter was granted. Assisting in the Installation was Carrie Morgan (Wisconsin-Madison, 1885), who became Grand President* the following year.

*Grand President is now known as International President.

To learn more about Pi Chapter, visit > 1900-1929 > 1915 > January (pages 6-16) and > 1930-1959 > 1945 > May (page 57).