Financial Aid FAQ

Generous donations from our donors are placed in endowments. Endowments are monitored by a financial institution managed by the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation. 

  1. A PDF copy of your transcript. 
  2. A list of all the officer positions you've held (within Gamma Phi Beta and in your community). 
  3. Two references to speak on your behalf. One must be a member of Gamma Phi Beta. 

You must be in Good Standing with Gamma Phi Beta International Headquarters for current academic year. If you are an alumnae member, this means that you have paid your annual alumnae dues or you are a Life Loyal member.

You must have 2.5 cumulative GPA in order to be considered for a scholarship or fellowship grant. If you attend Canadian school, your GPA must be converted to a 4.0 scale 

Scholarships are awarded to members who will be undergraduate students in the 2025-26 academic year and fellowships are awarded to members who will be graduate students in the 2025-26 academic year. This includes current undergraduates who plan to attend graduate school for Fall 2025. 

All members of Gamma Phi Beta who will be enrolled in classes next fall may apply. New members are eligible to apply, but the member’s chapter, community and university involvement receive a score; therefore, those applicants who are upper classmen have an advantage. 

Answer the question to the best of your ability. While there may be many things you want the share with us about you and your life situation, the scoring rubric is based on how completely you answer the questions about your personal career goals and your definition of Gamma Phi Beta. 

Notifications will be sent out via email in the beginning of May. 

The money is sent via check directly to your university before July 31st. 

You have until 11:59 PM MDT March 1, 2025 for application to be submitted in its entirety. Your two references will automatically be emailed once you hit SUBMIT and they must have their letters submitted. They will be notified of the March 1 deadline. Please be aware that if you don’t submit your application until the last minute, it’s possible your reference will not be able to submit required references on time. Any incomplete applications will not be reviewed. We recommend setting a deadline to have your part of the application (everything besides the references letters) complete and submitted no later than February 23rd, to allow your references enough time. 

Federal laws require that the funds go towards educational costs such as tuition, books. Sorority dues or costs outside of academic requirements do not apply. 

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