Epsilon Omicron Chapter (California-Santa Cruz)
Epsilon Omicron Chapter was installed at the University of California-Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz, California, on February 10, 1990, making it the first National Panhellenic Conference sorority on the University’s campus.
Eta Chapter at the University of California-Berkeley conducted the Initiation service on February 10, 1990, at the Crown Senior Commons Room on campus. It was preceded by Inspiration Week and the traditional days of Love, Labor, Learning, Loyalty and Laughter.
The Installation banquet was held at The Chaminade of Santa Cruz, where the evening began with Merry Grieg Wong (San Diego State), a member of the Sorority's Extension Committee, welcoming Gamma Phi Betas and guests to the event. After dinner, awards and gifts were given and received and two special philanthropy presentations were made. Camp Opportunity Project Director Robert 0. Slasor accepted a $1,000 Gamma Phi Beta Foundation donation on behalf of the camp. Given in celebration of the new chapter, the donation helped fund camperships for abused children. The chapter presented a gift of $500 each to the Red Cross and Women's Crisis Support Center, which represented funds raised through the raffle. Several chapter members were honored with awards, including Annette Sprague, Adrienne Myers, Susan Loop, Katie Cherry and Jill Fallis. Chapter gifts included an engraved silver tray from the Sorority and 30 white folding chairs from the province. The president's badge, which was worn by each succeeding Epsilon Omicron president, was given by Mildred Buoy Rose (lowa), a local alumna. Most precious of all was the chapter charter, presented by Alumnae Vice President Sally Erikson Lewis (Bradley).
Other international officers who attended the Installation festivities were International Ritual Chairman Audrey Weldon Shafer (Missouri), New Chapter Director Kris Baack (Nebraska), Collegiate Consultant Jennifer Bortie (California State-Long Beach), Province Xllla Alumnae Director Jacki Ennis Faikenroth (Nevada), Province Xlllb Alumnae Director Roberta Martinez Bollin (California-Riverside), Province Xlll Collegiate Director Diane Soderstrom Goff (Idaho) and Area Financial Advisor Corinne Martinez (California-Berkeley).
Excerpt from the summer 1990 issue of The Crescent, pages 12-13.