Gamma Phi Gives Day Voicemail, Text and Direct Messages

Sample Voicemail

Hi, [INSERT THEIR NAME]. This is [INSERT YOUR NAME]! Today is Gamma Phi Gives Day! Can I count on you to make a gift for the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation? The Foundation secures our sisterhood through scholarships, fellowships and grants. Gifts made today are being matched by other donors, so we have the opportunity to make a big impact! Visit to donate. Thanks in advance for your support! Talk to you soon!  

Sample Text Message or Direct Message

Gamma Phi Gives Day is today! I gave to [INSERT MATCH], but you can choose any match to support! Here’s the link to give: [INSERT UNIQUE GIVING LINK]. We only have [INSERT NUMBER OF HOURS] left! Can I count on you?

Have your heard about Gamma Phi Gives Day? It’s today, and we only have 1,874 minutes to raise as much as we can for the Foundation! Here’s the link to give: [INSERT UNIQUE GIVING LINK]. Our goal is 1,000 donors, and we need [INSERT NUMBER NEEDED TO REACH 1000] more! Can I count on you?